


Côte d’Ivoire Oil Stocks Management Company (GESTOCI), a Limited Company with a capital of 240 million F CFA, was established in 1983 by the Decree N°83-1009 of September 14, 1983 under the legal instruction of the Minister of Mines and Energy and the Minister of Economy and Finance.

The constitution of the GESTOCI abides the policy of oil activities regulation in Côte d’Ivoire, set by the decree of May 10, 1933 which was enacted in West Africa by the Order No. 1305 of June 3, 1933, with regard to the legal obligation of petroleum products distribution companies to consistently establish:

A stock- tool (operational) corresponding to 1/2 month of their average sales
A safety stock corresponding to 2 months of their average sales

Several laws and regulations will eventually strengthen the provisions of the decree of May 10, 1933. Therefore, the Council of Ministers in its session of March 31, 1979, decided to organize the constitution of safety stocks in Côte d’Ivoire and set up oil depots based in Abidjan, Bouake and Yamoussoukro. The management of these depots and safety stocks is entrusted to GESTOCI by the State at the end of the Council of Ministers dated February 2, 1983.
GESTOCI head office is based in Abidjan-Vridi.
As the Chairman of the Board:

To date, the company has had at its head three General Managers.











To date, the company has had at its head three General Managers.

They are:




Mr. YAPO Atsé Benjamin


to replace Mr. YAPO Atsé Benjamin.

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